Refund Policy

We are only responsible for your package until it reaches the shipment service you requested. In the case that your shipment is lost or damaged in transit, YOU are responsible to file the claim with your carrier once your order leaves our hands. We are NOT responsible for ANY orders that become lost in transit. We are NOT responsible for ANY shipments sent to forwarding services or companies, regardless of the shipping service you have requested. We are also NOT responsible for any weather or carrier related damages or delays to your shipment.

Please make sure your address is correct before placing your order. We will not be responsible for any incorrect addresses inputted by customers. Our packages are NOT insured. Once again, we are not responsible for any package once it transfers to the carrier, and it becomes the carriers responsibility to handle shipping delays and damages once they receive it.

Shipping fees are NOT refundable. Again, please make sure all addresses are correct before placing your order. We cannot refund fees for packages with the wrong address on the customers part.